Save the number 0482 070 989 as MyMetro in your mobile phone
Quick Start
You can get real-time arrival info over SMS. Just text your stop code and get real-time bus arrival info back on your phone. MyMetro SMS interface is available over all mobile networks.
- Find your stop code
- Text "stop number" to 0482 070 989.
- Wait for arrival information to be texted back to your phone.
As a quick example, to get real-time arrival info for stop number 16287 (Stop V2 King William St - West side), text "16287" to 0482 070 989 number. You will get bus arrival information for this stop.
Find the Stop Code
Different agencies have different look 'n feel for their stop signs. But in general, stop code are written either on the stop sign or on the pole where the sign is attached. Here are some pictures of stop signs with the stop code marked as red rectangle.
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Tips and Tricks
How can I get arrival info for just a single route?
For busy stops, you may wish to view arrival information for just one or two routes. To specify a route, text "stopcode# route#".
For example, stop #16287 at Stop V2 King William St - West side is served by over 15 different routes. To see just arrivals for routes 200 and 200B, you can text "16287 200,200B " to 0482 070 989 number to get real-time arrival info for just those routes.
What happens when multiple stops are found for my stop number?
Unfortunately, the stop numbers used by our local transit agencies are not always unique between agencies. While we do our best to send you info for the stop you wanted, sometimes you will get Multiple stops found response.